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About Martha

Martha Gutierrez, Broker, is the heart of JOMICA Real Estate Investment Group. A long time resident of Solano County, CA, Martha has achieved high levels of professional recognition in the real estate investment world. A native of Mexico, Martha is fully bilingual in English and Spanish. She started her career in 1979 working as a loan processor for People’s Federal Savings and Loan in Chicago, IL. In 1986, she moved to California where she worked as a Legal Secretary until 1993 when she relocated to Marin County. The desire to help the community prompted her to obtain her real estate license.

“There are so many issues to consider when buying or selling real estate, and I feel honored to be able to contribute my time and knowledge to the process” says Martha. Her motto is: We are here to succeed… every minute counts, let’s do it!

Your Home – Your Biggest Tax Advantage!
Remember that buying or selling a house can be the most important and costly decision you make. Money paid in rent is money thrown away! However, in most cases you can write off all the interest on your mortgage payment, the points paid during refinancing, real estate and property taxes and other expenses that you can discuss with your tax professional. 

…If you are ready to create wealth for your family, guarantee your children’s college funds and improve your quality of life, please give me a call. I will personally contact you:   714-926-0758  or  fax 562-363-0334.




Jomica Real Estate Investment Group

We are here to succeed. Every minute counts... Let's do it!

Llegamos aqui para triunfar. Cada minuto que pasa cuenta. Hagamos la diferencia!!

©2007 Jomica Real Estate Investment Group